Kicked out of a cult at seventeen, Patricia Walsh Chadwick started on the bottom rung of the ladder in the world of business and worked her way to the top—breaking through the glass ceiling to become a global partner at Invesco.
“A “drama-filled...compelling memoir” from the “smartest woman on Wall Street”.”
“The smartest woman on Wall Street.”
“We often remember the achievements of pioneers but know little about their personal stories. Chadwick shares an intimate perspective, as one of a small handful of women who paved the way for so many more on Wall Street.”

Latest Blog Posts
For more than a few decades, increases in college tuition have significantly outpaced the rate of inflation in this country. Today, approximately 70% of undergraduate students are entering the job market with some level of debt in the form of a student loan, often as much as $40,000.
The stock market is one, among a number, of leading indicators of the U.S. economy. Other such indicators include: new orders for both nondefense capital goods and also for consumer goods; consumer confidence; building permits for new homes; retail sales; and initial claims for unemployment insurance. The strength or weakness of those pillars of the economy are harbingers of future growth or decline in the GDP.
Wikipedia may not be “Gospel;” however, I support it faithfully with an annual donation at this time of year, because it is an excellent and instantaneous resource. I find it of particular value when I’m researching matters of history. According to Wikipedia, “the first known Christmas card was sent by Michael Maier to James I of England and his son Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales in 1611…
Latest Interviews
Following up her incredible interview recounting how she grew up in a religious community-turned-cult called the Center, today Patricia Walsh Chadwick joins us live to discuss what happened after.
From the age of six through her high school years, Patricia Walsh Chadwick was raised in The Center, an isolated, rural community of 100 members…
In this episode of 'Out of the Box with Christine,' host Christine Blosdale welcomes Patricia Walsh Chadwick, author of 'Little Sister, a Memoir,' and 'Breaking Glass: Tales from the Witch of Wall Street.'
Latest Press Coverage
Nick Youngs interviewing Patricia Walsh Chadwick, Author of "BREAKING GLASS, Tales from the Witch of Wall Street.
The 13th episode of Read the Bull is a fascinating conversation with Patricia Walsh Chadwick, author of "Breaking Glass, Tales from the Witch of Wall Street." Patricia enjoyed a 30-year career in finance and held roles as a research analyst, portfolio manager, director of research, and investment strategist.The book details Patricia's career, which began at a time where the majority of women in finance held administrative roles. Patricia explains that she had a long-held secret from her...
Normally, I prefer to discuss the economy or to tell other people’s stories, but this month is a little bit different. This month I have news to share with you that I think is very exciting and I hope you will too. Here is the press release for my new book, being released next month.
Please check my recent interview with InsideEdition.com about my life growing up within a Catholic Community called "The Slaves of The Immaculate Heart of Mary.